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facts about you


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Offline Conker T. Squirrel

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Re: facts about you
« Reply #30 on: June 12, 2007, 06:43:43 pm »
cool poke, you play soccer? me too! In fact I'm half-Brazillian.
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Offline X-5

Re: facts about you
« Reply #31 on: June 13, 2007, 03:00:34 am »
lol stefan post that no one cares about? that was by far the best and most detailed one yet.

but my first post was really badly rushed and thought up, so ima try to think of everything I can about me...hmm..

Well to start off I guess i could explain the first 5 years of my life(which were probably the most exciting and action packed compared to today lol)

I could probably literally swim before I could walk, seeing as we had lived about 10 feet from water(I think it was called a sound, but  back then I called it a ocean lol) I was taught to swim before I was even 1. (Well maybe 2, I dont have a clue exactly, but I know it was BEFORE 2 at the latest) Ill assume the reason was if I ever accidently fell in the water I wouldnt end up drowning.

There was a wooden barrier like thing all around the edges of the water with the water being a 4 feet drop or so, and you had to climb a ladder type thing to get out to give you an idea of what it looked like.  (btw I did fall in a few times, one time in the winter.. and I dont think I ever did again after that one hehe)

though once I did learn to swim I loved it,  up until we moved I probably swam many hours every single day, except when it was ultra coldish out(I could bear alot of cold back then though.. not so much now) I remember sometimes we busted out a  10 ft wooden arch-type ladder and put it in the water(which was probably about 3 feet deep at the spot) and id jump off the top.. yeah that was awesome, but I swear the ladder seemed to be 20-30 feet back then.. but in reality it was only 10.

Im sure theres tons of other stuff that.. I dont remember =/ but yeah, those were definitely my best and most fun 5 years.

General Life stuff.. well quite the opposite of stefan physically people think I am 15 or 16, with intelligence being about on par with the average of anyone 13-15. I might try to get a picture up of myself someday and you all will see what I mean. I used to hate it cause a select few people would make fun of me saying I was stupid to be so old for whatever grade I was in, cause they would not believe my real age, but I got over that eventually.

When it comes to judgment of other people I will like pretty much anyone. Just be nice, dont try to look cool by being a "bad***" and the odds of me disliking you are next to zero.

like alot of you im really super ultra mega lazy, but ill easily hop up and do any given task when someone asks me to.

I enjoy doing "kid" stuff still for some reason, whether it be using your imagination on something or trying to catch fireflies before it gets really dark, sure its tough but its still fun!

Game stuff- my favorite types are racers,shooting, and platforming, and certain typer of RPG's. Puzzle games are a tossup, I totally dont like tetris, but stuff like Dr Mario and Pokemon Puzzle League I absolutely loved.  I hate sports game as I hate sports in real life(Only exception being tennis and baseball, I really like tennis from playing mario tennis 64 and I might try it out for real one day, who knows maybe id be pro at it. I kinda like fighting games, but almost never play them cause im ridiculously bad at them which makes me like them less.

When it comes to platforming, im indefinitely better at 3D than 2D, I can beat super mario 64 100% effortlessly, but when I play super mario bros on NES im lucky to beat the game using the warp pipes =/ This seems to have followed onto sonic games as well, from what I can tell the reasons is 2D games require much higher precision. At first thought that might sound completely wrong, but it does seem true.

For example on a 3D sonic time attack you have many places you can jump from and still make it, but on 2D you gotta jump just right to pull off that real hard shortcut(Chemical plant 1 from Sonic 2 comes into mind as an example for some reason)

I have as you know what you call "never ending" determination, but it has some flaws. If I dont want to do it then odds are ill try a couple times, lose and quit. but if I have motivation(whether its to unlock a cool reward or just cause I want to say ive beaten that game) then I play and play, even if I gotta spend all day. I sometimes have to temporarily give up cause of either getting sick of it for one day or just getting tired in general, but you can bet the next day im right back at it!

hmm.. the MOST attempts ive ever put into a game was probably......diddy kong racing, whether it was a normal boss, a forsaken silver coin challenge or the final boss I know many many things took me loads of retries, if you added it all up its probably has the most effort spent. But of course it was worth it, cause I did it! and nowadays I can do it no problem. Speaking of that game, its definitely my favorite racing game by far.

Long this post was.. but hopefully it was interesting enough to keep you going, if not then I guess I just wasted a good 20 minutes =P
« Last Edit: June 13, 2007, 03:20:41 am by Paragod »

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Re: facts about you
« Reply #32 on: June 13, 2007, 03:34:57 am »
Its like writting an essey for school about your personallity and stuff lol
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Re: facts about you
« Reply #33 on: June 13, 2007, 05:39:00 am »
yea so? I always got lazy during them and wrote basically nothing which made me get a failure score.. so I guess to make up for that im getting some essay time in here XD

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Re: facts about you
« Reply #34 on: June 13, 2007, 12:00:59 pm »
Lol yeah I never really did that good in essays always wrote too small and would think of all the words at the time.Im kinda of a slow thinker at times.Another fact about me!lol
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Super Smash Brothers 64 - Look out for Combo Blaze on Kaillera!
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Offline JBertolli

Re: facts about you
« Reply #35 on: June 13, 2007, 12:48:14 pm »
hmm.. the MOST attempts ive ever put into a game was probably......diddy kong racing, whether it was a normal boss, a forsaken silver coin challenge or the final boss I know many many things took me loads of retries, if you added it all up its probably has the most effort spent. But of course it was worth it, cause I did it! and nowadays I can do it no problem. Speaking of that game, its definitely my favorite racing game by far.

Yes 0_o When did you play it to beat it for the first time? I think I was 7 or so, and I had so much trouble with the second octopus boss and both wizpig bosses :( Of course, now it is easy. And what makes me good was that I beat all the T.T. ghost times when I was about 7 or 8 without the tapping A trick :o I think that was pretty cool.
I wouldn't say it is my favorite racing game but it is among the list of racing games I like. My personal text (under my username) say I am a "Mascot Racer". This means I like those racing games of popular characters. This includes Mario Kart, Crash Bandicoot Racing, Diddy Kong Racing, Kirby Air Ride, etc. I'm also a SEGA gamer, which obviously includes Sonic. Really, the only other SEGA game I play is Super Monkey Ball and I guess you can count F-Zero (which would fall under both SEGA and Racing). And I've been playing Sonic the Hedgehog games since I was 3 years old. And still, 11 years older, I;m still playing them :D

And I played Soccer for 5 seasons but it was only 5-7 years old. I'll probably play some more in High School sometime. I played Flag Football, too, in 4th and 5th grade. I wouldn't play tackle or anything because I'd be crushed. I'll probably run track or cross country, too.

I don't watch much T.V. I do like to watch Action and Comedy movies and shows. And, 24 ROCKS!!!11!1!!!k most of the time, i'm either playing video games or I'm outside (when at home).

Okay, I don't have that much to say like Paragod :( Basically, my life has almost always been boring...

Offline CosmicFalcon

Re: facts about you
« Reply #36 on: June 13, 2007, 04:05:03 pm »
I am over 18.5 years old.

I'm around 5'11" tall and my weight wavers around the 9 stone (126lb) mark.

Epically dark brown hair - some have mistakenly described it as black. Fairly short at the moment, but its had a few months growth behind it so it's not like just-cut short. I intend to grow it again (not cuz my gf told me too... ok yeah that is why). Generally quite windswept in style as I cycle to college each day.

Not-quite-so-epically dark brown eyes. I have glasses, but don't wear them.

I drive a "pepper red" V-reg 1.3L Ford Ka.

Moving to Guildford in September, hopefully, to study a sound engineering course at University of Surrey.

More awesome than you.

That is all you need to know. In fact, you know to much. You must now be killed. Or neutered. Because... information... is hereditory?
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"I now realise that CF is complete and utter win." - Cruizer [13:46, 2009/10/23]

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Re: facts about you
« Reply #37 on: June 13, 2007, 05:15:29 pm »

jeez you guys are giving out a lot. 

it might just be me, but I dont feel right giving out my info over the net...unless there's a reason.
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

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Offline JBertolli

Re: facts about you
« Reply #38 on: June 13, 2007, 07:32:10 pm »
Well, I wouldn't give out my my location. The United States is the farthest I'll go.

Offline Antronach

Re: facts about you
« Reply #39 on: June 13, 2007, 08:27:11 pm »
Well, might as well.

Age: 16
Height: 6'2"
Weight: -180 and falling (YAY!)
Hair: Dirty Blonde and sorta long, but will be black soon.
Eye Color: Dark Blue

And for some facts about me (as if the sig didn't give enough).
I usaly finish a game in a few days upon purchace, which annoies my parents.
I do really good on DDR games and making stepfiles for it. (Stepmania actually)
I'm gonna move to Japan when I go to collage
I have very bad luck when it comes to dating
I can hack Sonic games, but I still need to get better utilidies

Offline Magnezone

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Re: facts about you
« Reply #40 on: June 14, 2007, 02:11:29 am »
Age - 17
Eye Color - blue
Hair - brown, 2 years uncut, awesome
Height - 6 ft. 0 in.
Weight - 130-140 lbs.
Other notable things about my appearance would include glasses and a scarf

Random real life abilities -
-I can put both of my feet behind my head at the same time
-My normal laugh itself can be entertaining I guess. It can be described as a goose call
-I can do an Inverse-Indian style sitting position (foot over knee as opposed to knee over foot) hanging upside down. I also did a backflip like that once. If you would like further explanation on what I'm talking about I'll have to draw it
-I seem particularly good at delivering entertaining speeches, in school at least. I spoke rather meaningful words to my AP programming class on how Jack Thompson is an idiot in a presentation on Violent Videogames
-In sports I am a strangely effective wall for some reason, and pressure others easily. I'm also pretty fast

Computer/Internet skills -
-I can actually detect sarcasm, unlike 95% of the internet
-I'm a rather established sprite artist
-Actually lately I've proven to myself that I'm a good computer artist in general
-decent programming ability, but I still have a ways to go
-idling in chatrooms is one of my specialties

Random favorite crap -
-favorite thing is Tikal
-favorite place is Tikal
-favorite Sonic character is Tikal
-favorite Sonic game is.. well I don't know really. I want to say Sonic Adventure because of Tikal but Sonic Rush is pretty much appealing to me at every other angle
-favorite videogame that bears no relation to Sonic games at all is definitely the original Viewtiful Joe
-favorite food... I don't really care about food for some reason :[
-favorite thing to do with drama is just getting rid of it/not having it

In general, I'm a rather odd individual, but I've decided to spare TSC of it for the most part because of the competition I face around here and because people around here are generally intelligent, which I must say, is a rare thing for a Sonic community. I salute you all on that note.

Also, I might as well note that I can't lick my elbows :[
« Last Edit: June 14, 2007, 02:19:42 am by SkyLights »

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Re: facts about you
« Reply #41 on: June 15, 2007, 08:12:24 pm »
I'll try to keep this short. (This can be fact #1: I tend to write excessively-long posts by accident.
Even though I hate writing. This also applies to levels of detail in drawing, but I don't hate art.)

First, the basic blah: 17 years (and 8 months) old, 6'0", about 140 or 140s in weight
(I seem to have lost weight, somehow), brown eyes, sort of brown hair (I guess dirty blonde or something).

I seem to be at least okay at quite a few things, (I'm pretty fast, for example, although
I fail at accuracy in sports, and compared to other athletes, I'm not that great in endurance)
but I guess I do more art (computer and other) and stuff like that.
I'm smart (smarter than everyone!!!! :P ), but I procrastinate. Or maybe I'm just lazy.
So I can't always finish lots of impressive projects or whatever.

I don't know what else to say. At least this is short enough.
Basically, I'm an artist and gamer and whatever, but I can do other stuff too.
Inactive member, but still... occasionally... checks his private messages and aging (former) records in SA.

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Re: facts about you
« Reply #42 on: June 16, 2007, 07:15:16 am »
I do really good on DDR games and making stepfiles for it. (Stepmania actually)

Wat sort of songs do you make stepfiles for? :o
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline JBertolli

Re: facts about you
« Reply #43 on: June 16, 2007, 01:32:58 pm »
I love making stepfiles of songs but I never have the patience... The only step file I made was of the full version of butterfly :/ I guess that is another fact about me, I don't have patience for long stuff like creating stepfiles.

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Re: facts about you
« Reply #44 on: June 16, 2007, 06:31:54 pm »
Id make stepfiles if I knew how :(
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline Antronach

Re: facts about you
« Reply #45 on: June 19, 2007, 09:44:41 pm »
I do really good on DDR games and making stepfiles for it. (Stepmania actually)

Wat sort of songs do you make stepfiles for? :o

Popular songs and songs from Sonic Team. Mostly from Sonic CD (Japanese ver.)

Re: facts about you
« Reply #46 on: June 20, 2007, 07:33:19 pm »
I guess if My bro ther can do this, i can.

I'm 10 years old, despite how I act.
I have blue eyes.
Very Blonde hair.
I'm 4'5" tall and weigh aroung 100 lbs.
I'm a girl, not a boy.

My older brother got me into video games, which I like.
I'm not obsessed with Sonic, but it still a great franchise.
I have a huge stuffed animal collection that takes up a quarter of my room.
I have around 56 DVDs, all of which I have seen.
I have nothing to say...

Offline Conker T. Squirrel

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Re: facts about you
« Reply #47 on: June 20, 2007, 11:43:45 pm »
Yey I'm not the only ten year old! This is pretty random but uh, does anybody besides me like Chernabog(Night on Bald Mountain[Fantasia 1940])? Told you it was gonna be random
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